Marriage Breakdown -When Your Marriage Does Not Last For As Long As You Both Shall Live
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
by John Lynch
Marriage Breakdown – the Options If you are faced with marriage breakdown, and the uncertainty that comes with it, it is important for you to know what options are available to you. Counselling and mediation to explore possible reconciliation or an amicable as possible separation should always be explored first. This is something your solicitor
- Published in Separation, Divorce & Relationship Issues
Partners and Children – Know Your Inheritance Rights
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
by John Lynch
Partners and Children – Know Your Inheritance Rights Be it a father, mother, husband, wife, or partner, when a loved one passes on it is in your best interest to know your inheritance rights in advance, rather than trying to face the unknown at an emotional time in your life. The inheritance rights of spouses,
- Published in Wills, Succession & Estates
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Cohabitants, Inheritance Rights, Making a will, Marital breakdown, Succession, succession planning, Wills
DePuy Hip Recall – Higher Than Anticipated Failure Rates
Monday, 16 January 2017
by John Lynch
DePuy Hip Recall – Higher than anticipated Failure Rates At the end of 2010 it was estimated that the likely failure rate for the DePuy ASR hip implant stood at 13% after five years. However, at the British Hip Society Annual Conference in early March the UK experts produced new research which indicates a much
- Published in Medical Negligence, Personal Injury & Litigation
Administration of your Estate – What happens when you are Gone
Monday, 16 January 2017
by John Lynch
Administration of your Estate – what happens when you are gone? Probate is the legal term for a procedure that gives a person, chosen by you, authority to carry out your wishes as set out in your Will. When someone dies their assets are frozen; Banks will freeze monies in accounts and only unfreeze funds
- Published in Wills, Succession & Estates
Road Traffic Accident and Personal Injury Claims
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
by John Lynch
New Year’s Resolutions – a Road Traffic Accident and Personal injury Claims Listen to John’s discussion on Tipp FM : [soundcloud id=’186944730′] A Road Traffic Accident and a Personal Injury Claims We are all bound to be involved in a road traffic accident at some point in our lives. It might be a small
- Published in Personal Injury & Litigation
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Personal Insolvency Arrangements
Medical Negligence – A Quick Guide
Monday, 03 October 2016
by John Lynch
Why do people take a case? The medical profession is held in high esteem. Significant trust is placed in a health professional when you submit yourself for an operation or even when you hold out your arm to get an injection. When things go wrong the reaction of an injured patient or their family is
- Published in Medical Negligence
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Medical Negligence
Children & Family Relationship Bill 2014
Monday, 03 October 2016
by John Lynch
On Tipp FM, Andrea Gleasure, Solicitor, spoke to Seamus Martin on ‘Tipp Today’ about the Children & Family Relationship Bill 2014. [soundcloud id=’178586297′] How Modern is our Modern Family? The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014.The Children and Family Relationships Bill 2014 looks to clarify the law concerning children within all families.The Bill’s stated
- Published in Separation, Divorce & Relationship Issues
Neighbour from Hell: What to do if you have noisy neighbours
Friday, 26 August 2016
by John Lynch
The reality of life, unfortunately, is that you cannot choose your neighbours. So what can be done if your neighbour from hell is making a racket? The first action should always be to knock on the door, speak to your neighbour and ask them to tone it down a bit. As a mediator, I always
- Published in Personal Injury & Litigation
Championing Personal Dignity: The importance of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015
Friday, 17 June 2016
by John Lynch
For over 140 years the Lunacy Regulations Act provided the foundation for Ireland’s approach to issues of capacity. The Assisted Decision Making Act, which commenced this year, has thankfully replaced it. The change has rejuvenated the entire legal area. It will help people when they reach a stage in life when they are not able
- Published in Wills, Succession & Estates
Is Tomorrow another Day: Warehousing of Debt – cause or a cure?
Thursday, 09 June 2016
by John Lynch
Procrastination – always a tempting option, rarely the right choice. The warehousing of debt is a popular option put out there by Creditors for those desperate to emerge from unsustainable debt. Delaying payment of a large percentage of a mortgage, car loan or credit card debt may seem appealing in the present but leaves the
- Published in Bankruptcy & Insolvency
Dealing in an Estate: How to manage the estate of someone who has died
Friday, 27 May 2016
by John Lynch
The death of a loved one is a traumatic time and having to manage the estate they left behind can be a major additional stress. Many solicitors however are well practiced at dealing with these issues and can advise about making the process as stress free as possible. Whose responsibility is it to manage the
- Published in Wills, Succession & Estates
Contested Wills – Why might a will be contested? Some interesting cases.
Friday, 13 May 2016
by John Lynch
In a previous blog, we looked at why a will is so important. Once you have decided to make a will, the next important step is to make one that is workable in its administration. A good will should make things easier for those left behind, not subject them to lengthy legal struggles. However, contested
- Published in Wills, Succession & Estates
Modern Family & Cohabitation – Implications of being a cohabitant
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
by John Lynch
What are the implications for you if you are a cohabitant? How are you protected under the law in Ireland? We look at the issue in this blog and we also have a helpful video and podcast to give you an overview of the issue. More than a ‘common-law spouse’ The term “common law marriage”
- Published in Separation, Divorce & Relationship Issues
Modern Family & Cohabitation – What is a ‘cohabitant’ and do I qualify as one?
Wednesday, 06 April 2016
by John Lynch
The Changing Nature of the Irish Family Earlier this decade, the law in Ireland finally began to catch up to an increasingly diverse Irish society and put in place some protections for unmarried partners to mirror those available for married partners. The last census showed that there were nearly 90,000 couples in Ireland describing themselves
- Published in Separation, Divorce & Relationship Issues
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Before I go Bankrupt – How the law views transactions prior to bankruptcy
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
by John Lynch
Can transactions made prior to bankruptcy be set aside? Actions you take before declaring bankruptcy can be declared improper and set aside. Worse, if it is shown that you acted fraudulently, a criminal charge and jail time is a possibility. What is allowed and what is not allowed often comes down to interpretation and good
- Published in Bankruptcy & Insolvency